Monday, April 22, 2013

Glory to You

Thank you God for blessing each and every individual touched by You. Allow them to see you in everything they do! Thanks for being the best thing that ever happened in and to our lives. We love you Jesus.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Where are your eyes?

If our eyes are set on things above and not on what we have in this life then how can we falter? can we..not know forgiveness? In Isaiah 45:22 God simply states "Look to me and be saved..." Can you believe this?? We simply have to look to God just a glance and His marvelous splendor and we are saved! Just a glimpse of His son hanging their and we can be sure that we are saved by grace. What joyous news! Where have your eyes/mind been lately? Has it been focused on exceeding in the one sport or subject or game or just not giving time for Him? Take time to focus and look to God today. "Look to Me and be saved" and know that He is the Lord your God! King of creation, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace. Look to God!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


He was not in the wind, He was not in the earthquake, He was not in the fire. He was in the gentle whisper. We all have busy lives and most days we don't even take time to listen to our parents to take out the trash let alone listen to God. God comes in a whisper so if you are expecting a flaming chariot from above...tough chance! How can you expect to see God in the big of life when you can't even feel Him in the small? Pray in all circumstances. ALL of them! No matter how tiny or how big. Give your best in all things for His glory! And you shall be richly rewarded in the future aka eternal life.