Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't be mad. Get glad.

If you are angry ask God for peace. You have no idea how alleviating it is to know God is in control. Let go of your anger towards others cast aside those thoughts and be at peace. If you are gonna be an example for others in Christ do not be held to sin for Christ has over come sin, death and the devil. Let go of anger, jealousy, despair, sadness. Just let go and let God take over.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Can you hear me?

Often we find ourselves asking this about God, "Can You hear me?" Well the answer is yes! God can hear you in fact he hears you and listens to you all the time. When we complain, rejoice, complain some more. He listens. And do we ever stop and think? Do I hear You? When have we stopped to hear that gentle whisper that is calling to us in the light? I've often noticed that if a person giving a speech or a lecture talks very gently people listen closer and learn more because they want to hear what this person is saying. Now put that into a Godly perspective; God whispers so we need to listen carefully and move a little bit closer to him to hear what he is saying! It may take a long, long time but once we do hear Him we become very humbled saying Lord how long did I stumble around in the dark while you called out to me? I will be better about listening for you in the ups and downs of life.

Since God is listening let us pray:
Lord God heavenly Father hear us now as we offer our words to you. Deliver us from this darkness, be it of doubt, confusion, grief, negativity, or just all around sin. Help us to draw closer to you as we walk and talk with you, all the way to Your glory. Guide us to show others the good news and give us the ability to hear You in all things. In Your name we pray. Amen.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Yes a little Poetry

Lord help this weary soul
draw me close to you so I may become whole
take this traveler from this place
so he may feel your warm embrace
show him the power of your word
so nothing in his heart is left unturned 
show me the true picture of grace
so that I may look upon your face
guide me with your staff and rod
and never let my footsteps lost be trod
Make me realize that through the cross
you beat up satan like a boss
show me how to love like you
the love that experiences so very few
grant me peace that I may be
here with you eternally.

Darkness. Wait, we have light.

Walking in darkness is terrible. Feeling so confused misguided and unknowing of what your drive in life is. This darkness comes and keeps plaguing the body and soul trying to drive yourself away from the great love of God. You turn to earthly things that hold no value in this life, looking for some passion to come out of this little movement. Still nothing. Jesus break and restore me! It feels like you've hid your face! Do not turn away from me Lord God. I will wrestle you as Jacob did, relentlessly fighting for your face to shine on my and my body and actions to mirror yours.  Hear my cries Lord listen to my heart and head plead for you for nothing on this earth will satisfy this desire for you! Bring me broken and contrite and trusting in your Son to sustain my life. Lord help me from this rut I'm in only You can help me through this trial! Rid me of this sin and shove satan back to where he belongs. Help me Lord. Show me your light for your light shines in the darkest darkness. Nothing can hold back You when you shine in our bodies! Gaze upon me Lord!

The Writer.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just water? No! We need soap too!

If our heart was broken for every time we broke God's, do you think that this life would be pretty rough? I do. Sin it's what makes up the entire world and death through that, but we can rejoice in a Savior who cleanses us daily and makes us whiter than snow.  I think of it as soap and water. Water = our lives; 
soap = Jesus. We can try all we want to wash ourselves out, we can use cold water, hot water, even luke warm water! The explanations on those is for another time. . .Anyway, water, just water, cleans only the outside appearances. The crumbs if you will. Water doesn't get the caked on muck like the moldy spaghetti that has been sitting in your fridge for three weeks. Water can't clean that! But with a little bit of soap aka Jesus the muck of our life can be cleaned and make us look brand new! What great news this is! Now think. . .Do you only use water or do you believe that soap is the way to clean yourself or not? I like being clean. Thank you Jesus for being the soap in my water, thank You for making me sparkly and brand new.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

God is SO great!

Wow how is our God. He is so great, so powerful, and so just. By sin we should all die and burn in the fiery depths of hell but it is by grace that we are saved through faith because of Jesus, God's only son, who died on the cross.  He is our atoning sacrifice for us.  Our mission to spread this great news is to make disciples of  all nations and tell others about Jesus. Ultimately it is the work of the Holy Spirit that does and commits the changing of hearts and minds of the individuals who hear this great news, but we should do our best to share to others the great news of Jesus. How great is our God you ask? So great! How can He even look at me because of my sin? Because He loves you when He looks at you he sees Jesus's sacrifice. Pray to God and thank Him for sending His son for us! Amen. Thank you Father!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweet this is gonna be a fun blog about Jesus! Stay tuned!