Monday, February 25, 2013

Can you hear me?

Often we find ourselves asking this about God, "Can You hear me?" Well the answer is yes! God can hear you in fact he hears you and listens to you all the time. When we complain, rejoice, complain some more. He listens. And do we ever stop and think? Do I hear You? When have we stopped to hear that gentle whisper that is calling to us in the light? I've often noticed that if a person giving a speech or a lecture talks very gently people listen closer and learn more because they want to hear what this person is saying. Now put that into a Godly perspective; God whispers so we need to listen carefully and move a little bit closer to him to hear what he is saying! It may take a long, long time but once we do hear Him we become very humbled saying Lord how long did I stumble around in the dark while you called out to me? I will be better about listening for you in the ups and downs of life.

Since God is listening let us pray:
Lord God heavenly Father hear us now as we offer our words to you. Deliver us from this darkness, be it of doubt, confusion, grief, negativity, or just all around sin. Help us to draw closer to you as we walk and talk with you, all the way to Your glory. Guide us to show others the good news and give us the ability to hear You in all things. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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