Friday, February 22, 2013

Darkness. Wait, we have light.

Walking in darkness is terrible. Feeling so confused misguided and unknowing of what your drive in life is. This darkness comes and keeps plaguing the body and soul trying to drive yourself away from the great love of God. You turn to earthly things that hold no value in this life, looking for some passion to come out of this little movement. Still nothing. Jesus break and restore me! It feels like you've hid your face! Do not turn away from me Lord God. I will wrestle you as Jacob did, relentlessly fighting for your face to shine on my and my body and actions to mirror yours.  Hear my cries Lord listen to my heart and head plead for you for nothing on this earth will satisfy this desire for you! Bring me broken and contrite and trusting in your Son to sustain my life. Lord help me from this rut I'm in only You can help me through this trial! Rid me of this sin and shove satan back to where he belongs. Help me Lord. Show me your light for your light shines in the darkest darkness. Nothing can hold back You when you shine in our bodies! Gaze upon me Lord!

The Writer.

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