Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My utmost for His highest, my best for His glory. Both amazing phrases to live by. Give all glory to the good Lord and be complete. Driven by God has got to be the most amazing thing ever. Just giving your entire life, be it your actions or your thoughts or words that have been said or left unsaid, to God is so relieving and so inspiring. I find myself sleeping sounder but also waking up early and not wanting to leave my bed until I have focused or pinned God down if you will so that my thoughts and actions mirror His during the day.  Pray in everything is also. EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS!!! You see those people that look stressed pray for God to grant them peace. See a car accident, pray for healing or well being and life, but most importantly pray that those who may have passed in those tragedies see the shining face of Jesus. Pray in absolutely everything and devote your life, your longing to be with God. I love it! LOVE EVERYONE! Okay I'm hyper with God right now so if this don't make sense oops! GOD is our purpose! Spreading his good news is our Purpose! Give your best for His glory and fulfill your purpose.

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